Monday, December 1, 2008

Snow photos

We had a snow day for school today. The sun came out and melted some of the snow. I'm sure we'll all be back in our regular routine tomorrow.

EE has posted today. I think Imax might make a debut on the blog today, too.

Here are a bunch of photos. Also notice the new header photo, taken this morning. Well, if you're reading this in a few months, it will have changed. But I assure you that it's very appropriate for December!

The view this morning:

And a visitor who strolled by while I was taking one of the above photos:


Here are a few more photos, assuming I can fight blogger long enough to get them posted and stuck in the right place. These are geraniums. (Duh.) The striped one is a rescue. A family member found the plant, sans pot, in a dumpster and asked if we could bring it home. Sure, why not? So we did.

It survived the trauma of abandonment and is doing well. The flowers are cute.

The other geranium is a plain old normal geranium. It's happy enough to bloom in December, which is good enough for me. It's been growing in our house for several years. We're rooting some of its branches to give it a few clone-siblings.

The holiday cactus bloom from earlier this month is history. There are more buds on the plant that will open soon. The other impulse-purchase holiday cactus also has some buds that will open soon. Our older plant is setting its buds, too. They weren't there when I took the original photo, but they were there a few days later. They are still small. I expect we'll get flowers in January, as usual.

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