Thursday, October 27, 2011


A lot has changed since the last post!

We still live on the Divide, but in a different area.  Our new place is lower in elevation, below the tree zone.  It has taken quite a while to get settled!  Maybe there will be more posts here in a while.  Or maybe the blog will stay dormant until we're totally unpacked and comfortable in our new house.

We won't have as many wild animals wandering around.  No more bears in the garbage, deer in the garden.  Or not as many.  No more grouse sunning themselves on the fence railing, no more turkeys wandering through the yard, no more mountain lions screaming at midnight.   Our new area does have bluebirds, magpies, geese flying overhead, frogs singing in early summer.

We see sunrise on the mountains from our house instead of seeing the fog in the valley.  We look up instead of down for our views.

I will continue to add family recipes to the blog.  That way, I know I can find them easily!