So, let's see... what has happened?
The usual. There have been band concerts. Boy Scout events. Snow. Hikes. Holidays. Lost teeth. Minor illnesses. All the usual. Good meals. Blooming plants. And so on.
Here are a few photos.

We had some early cold weather in October. All of the holiday cacti branches within two feet of the windows promptly set buds. And then bloomed.

The fuchsia-colored one in the photo above really bloomed its fool head off. I couldn't even count how many flowers there were on some of the branches.
The sides of the plants that were more than two feet from the windows didn't set buds then. We had another cold spell earlier this month. Now the closer side is setting buds. A few other plants that didn't get cold enough or dark enough back in October or November are also setting buds now. I expect we'll get a few more flushes of flowers through winter and into early spring.

Here's an orchid that was blooming earlier this year. It bloomed for a few months. We don't take very good care of our orchids. They still surprise us with pretty flowers every now and then.

The cats. We got them from a local shelter a few years ago. They had been together in their previous home. When we picked out one of the cats to take home, the staff asked us if we wanted both. We said yes.
They like to cuddle together sometimes, as you can see in the photo. Sometimes they get into a forcible ear-licking contest. That usually doesn't end well. Most of the time they're pretty mellow. They are excellent mousers, too.
And that's enough from me!